
Jan. 20, 2021

LR 1250.1 unplugged in use in Oslo

In December 2020, the LR 1250.1 was successfully used in the construction of a large sports center in Oslo, Norway.

Oct. 23, 2020

Hitachi sells electric excavators in Europe

Hitachi accepts orders for the ZE85. SUNCAR HK AG was involved in the development of the battery-powered 8t excavator.

Oct. 14, 2020

Hybrid Construction Equipment Forum 2020

Climate-neutral construction machinery is one of the strategic development goals of the construction machinery industry discussed at the Construction Equipment Forum. SUNCAR HK AG will be present as an exhibitor.

Sept. 8, 2020

Battery-operated large rotary drilling rig in action

The battery-powered large drilling rig, which was developed with SUNCAR HK AG, is successfully in operation in Bergen.

Sept. 2, 2020


At the SWISS GREEN ECONOMY SYMPOSIUM 2020, SUNCAR HK AG networked with representatives of the construction industry, politics and science.

July 14, 2020

IÖB awarded: Funding opportunities for the innovative procurement of zero-emission construction machinery or vehicles

SUNCAR is newly awarded IÖB! Various funding opportunities support innovative procurement, now also of zero-emission construction machinery or vehicles.

June 3, 2020

New bike trail built with battery-electric machines and 100% renewable energy

In the Swiss vacation region of Flims Laax Falera, the world's first bike trail is being built using 100% renewable energy. Among other things, Velosolutions will use SUNCAR's battery-powered electric excavators.

May 27, 2020

Emission-free construction sites are easy to install

The only requirement for an emission-free construction site is a mains connection with sufficient power (400V CEE socket). Explore an emission-free construction site with various battery-powered excavators by drone flight in the Netherlands.

May 20, 2020

Paradigm shift in procurement

Public procurement is facing a paradigm shift. It is no longer only economic efficiency that should be taken into account, but also ecological and social factors.
